

OC , fanart and webcomic rat artist! Drawing what I feel like!! || ESP/ENG/25/ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

h: @dbrrrrt

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:17293

19. Raquel, age unknown
Edmonia girlfriend. She works with her in the shop, as u can see her appearance is...intriguing...and she loves scaring clients with it. An arachnic hybrid and ex witch. She loves eating Edmonia food and teasing her. Scary looking but playful

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18.Edmonia , age unknown
The cake witch, an uncomprehended artist.. she makes cakes out of this world, how do you mean , well she gives life to her cakes...literally. She wants her business to succeed but no one buys her cakes due to such quirk. Surrounded by VERY bad luck.

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17. Marjory, 29 years old (wip)
The dream witch , tends to be followed by cats. She is a fortune teller who tells fortune via people's dreams in her crystal ball. She has a cold demeanor, but she means well. Despite that, she is a big worrywart.

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16. Abigail , 30 years old
Lurraitz second hand and a teacher at the local academy. She is often called the nightmare witch as she can take ur unpleasant dreams and store them in her suitcase. She is very sweet and likes cute things, and is also desperate for a partner

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15. Lurraitz W. 38 years old
The chief warlock , as his name says, he is the chief of the town, or at least the one that is responsible for it. Due to this, he is an extremely busy person and wants the best for the citizens. Single, but likes romance movies. Nice babysitter

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14. Luna, 18 years old (WIP)
The bone?merchant?witch? she sells weird and enchanted artifacts, she digs up graves to sell anything that they might contain. Immoral but she doesn't see the wrong of it. She likes dressing super cute though. Often mistaken for a ghost..

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13. Emmery , somewhere in her teens...
A mysterious girl that leaves a trail of flowers wherever she goes....Due to this, rumours think she is cursed with some sort of strange inner power, as she is not a witch herself. No one knows too much about her...but is better left alone

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11. Zero, 11 years old
The entomologist warlock, Zero is what you would call a child prodigy. Even since his first days, he has been excellent in magic, being one of the top wizards out there. He is super immature and bratty. Sorari younger brother. Wants bugs to reign

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10. Sorari, 21 years old
The delivery witch...Sorari works in the business of her mother delivering mails in her broom. Sorari wishes to be a powerful, respectable witch, but she is very insecure. She is also a hopeless romantic, failing for anyone, even you- ... Small.

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