

OC , fanart and webcomic rat artist! Drawing what I feel like!! || ESP/ENG/25/ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

h: @dbrrrrt

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:17293

9. Mikaela, 23 years old
The thunder witch, a rockstar better known as "Moxxie". A popular soloist, she really doesn't have any interest in magic, this makes her magic incredibly dangerous as she cannot control it. If u touch her hair u might get electrocuted... Very vulgar..

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8. Eli , 24 years old
Eli is a familiar researcher, while this is not his magic of expertise he loves familiars and wants to excel in studying about them, as he is obsessed with these mythical beings. A skillful wizard that loves to make trouble wherever he goes. He is a writer.

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7. Kal Marina , her age is a secret.
The sea creatures witch. A powerful witch that resides in the depths of the woods, because of her status, she is very well-liked and respected among witches. It is said that she has a charming gaze , and a voice like that of a siren... 🐙

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6.Yellow, 1000+ years old
A lonely, wandering familiar. She is often roaming around in the woods... Not much to say, she is a lovely, lovely being 💛... She gives nice hugs.

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5. Jan Johann , (older than Reina)
The Necromancer. He is Reina's childhood friend, with who he seems to have a rivalry going on. He is actually a respectful, nice guy, but ppl are wary of him due to his dangerous magic. He loves to collect sharp things. Always tired.

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4. Green, 1000+ years old
Third of the triplets. Green is quiet and mysterious, but he is personally just thinking about food and sleep , his favorite things. He got a big crush on Reina, and loves doing stuff for her, even if she doesn't return the sentiment, he is fine with it.

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3. Blue, 1000+ years old
Second of the wolf triplets . He thinks he is the coolest of the coolest and tries to make up for it, but he is just a big soft-hearted dork in the end. His prideful attitude often clashes with Reina's, who he dislikes. He is the smartest of the bunch.

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2. Red , 1000+ years old
First of the wolf triplets, Reina familiars! Red is an enthusiastic and good-hearted familiar dog who only sees the good in people, which makes him too innocent and generous for his own good. He a big fan of Tokusatsu, especially the Super Sentai Series

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Why not start with the ocs of my own webcomic series...
1. Reina, 27 years old
The Beast Tamer Witch , has a huge queen complex, very boastful and full of herself. She tends to treats everyone as inferior as her and loves talking about nothing but her great self. Protag of TWL!

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