Imogen Foxellさんのプロフィール画像

Imogen Foxellさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator, writer, lexicographer, and classicist. on bluesky, Cara, instagram @imogenfoxell

フォロー数:542 フォロワー数:949

Back in Port Meadow after many months

3 14

More favourite stories:
Maid Maleen: cool heroine:
Gravemound: good narrative style (+interpretable as gay romance?)
Thousandfurs: nice Cinderella variant
Ungrateful son: frog on face!

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This one's specially for my friend Lucy who wants to know about the number of "things" in Grimm titles. Mostly 3 unsurprisingly, followed by 7, then 2, 6, 12 (tied), then 4.

1 19

The hoopoe and the bittern were once cowherds. The hoopoe's cows were always weak and lying down, which is why the hoopoe says "up up up", and the bittern's cows were always frisking about, which is why the bittern says "Bunt herum" (come, cows).

2 7

The Grimms version of the Taming of the Shrew (sort of). After the princess insults her suitor, King Thrushbeard, her father marries her off to a random beggar, who puts her through a series of humiliations. But all is not as it seems!

1 6

The bear insults the wren and triggers a war between the creatures of the earth and the creatures of the air. The earth creatures forgot to reckon for the insects though.

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Gretel is roasting chickens for her master and his guest, but she just can't resist eating one...and then the other. But she's very clever and finds a way to get the master and his guest blaming each other/threatening to cut off each other's ears etc, while she digests in peace.

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