IRON FIST 👊🥷 EBOOKSさんのプロフィール画像

IRON FIST 👊🥷 EBOOKSさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:61 フォロワー数:425

These covers depicting Shang-Chi by are truly spectacular, aren't they? I'm a particular fan of the street-wear series and this is a particularly good entry.

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The idea of Iron Fist as a superhero alter ego of Danny, as opposed to Danny being the Iron Fist, as an idea which gets lightly touched upon a few times throughout his history. I would have loved for a deeper dive into what the mask means to him, but alas it seems too late now.

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I read THE UNION trade today and whilst I was overall fairly lukewarm on the actual story, the characters were all excellent and I am hopeful we get to see more of them in the future, as well as an expansion on the UK side of the Marvel Universe.

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THE UNITED STATES OF CAPTAIN AMERICA (OF 5) by Christopher Cantwell and Dave Eaglesham

A celebration of Cap's 80th anniversary is best spent reflecting on just what the hell "Captain America" even means, anyway. Opening up the title to a bunch more heroes sounds ideal to me.

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CAPTAIN MARVEL by Kelly Thompson and Sergio Dávila

I actually missed last month's solicits so I have NO IDEA what's going on in this story but HEY that's all part of the excitement, right? I've been eager to see "The Marvels" get treated as a superhero family for some time!

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ETERNALS FOREVER by Ralph Macchio and Ramón Bachs

ETERNALS: CELESTIA by Keiron Gillen and Kei Zama

What is being constructed in the main ETERNALS book is really something special, so I am happy to see those foundations get built upon. Plus, an appearance from Fan Fei!

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AMAZING FANTASY (OF 5) by Kaare Andrews

This is the book I'm perhaps looking forward to THE MOST in coming months and I know practically nothing about it. The promise of Andrews doing something ABSOLUTELY OFF THE RAILS is enough for me, but those covers are the cherry on top.

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MS. MARVEL: BEYOND THE LIMIT (OF 5) by Samira Ahmed and Andrés Genolet

We love a good doppelganger story, don't we? Plus I'm a sucker for a mini-series. Some people view them as lesser than ongoings, which is fair I suppose, but I view them as the promise of a complete story.

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I've been a huge fan of the VOICES anthologies up to now, and you KNOW I gotta support the White Tigers! Super excited to see what sort of talent gets shown off here, and a new character is always a fun time!

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