

Minister of Cecil Propaganda.
Open for commission.

フォロー数:455 フォロワー数:581

“Just like all Yankees, all you are good at is ordering Cash Grab and spending a man’s money! “- Pai .

Back Cash Grab! CLOSING HOURS!!! https://t.co/dQkouDE3q9 https://t.co/pJPB4pplQh

5 20

He was born that way. It’s the only one he’s revealed so far

0 21

Cecil mentioned stretch goal of fan art, & I think what’s out there, it could be it’s own campaign. This guy is the gold standard of fan relations. Can only put up 4 pics at a time, consider my backlog, the legendary Betty bright eyes and the myriad of others who’ve contributed!

7 45

Looks dope but it’s missing some things I think would give it the O’Rowe glow. Hidden text of back deathsworn in foreground, Ethan loves him some hidden messages. And some accessorization and cleavage.

0 5

, rumor had it you were gonna do a members only stream... Is it true?

0 1

It fuggin broke my heart- broke. my. heart. - to hear has had his feelings hurt every single day. I made this to cheer the poor guy up. Cmon let’s heal the wolf.

Retweet & leave a comment. show how much Malin means to you.

12 82

https://t.co/i5GbOG2pga Its back!

Disturbing information is revealed in this stream at 2:22:05... ‘s feelings are hurt every day. This can stand no more.

0 8

‘s commandments:
Cash Grab is your campaign to back, thou shalt not back any strange campaigns before Cecil’s.
Honor thy Cecil.
Thou shalt back at highest affordable tier.
Thou shalt not refund.
Thou shalt not get product.

10 33

Cash Grab - $81,883 & going “Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!”

3 31

Still working on the JACK show piece, in coloring flats are half the battle. Here’s a Ethan head I made from kelsey’s clip for you all to use on whatever

1 12