

Minister of Cecil Propaganda.
Open for commission.

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:611

Should have this finished up tomorrow... don’t usually do WIP bu I’m liking how this one is going

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Since JACK show actually ended up on Malin’s channel here’s the Cecil rooftop piece without the text.

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When a humble
Graced a livestream
With of MI
They both witnessed love gleam

From when met
The love struck
And thus began a tryst
That’d break ‘ship history

Toss a coin to your Cecil
O valley of plenty

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Haha! Just went looking thru recent activity, and then wondering wait ... did I....oh wait ... I actually think I kinda remember doing that.

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We’re less than 12 hrs from the next JACK show. Here’s the “Nice” for the occasion. God bless us all, each and every one!

Watch https://t.co/mx4cyj1cki in the meantime

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After sketching with no destination in mind I drew this as D.I.C.K. Rider. Cheers.

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Lost my stylus yesterday, found it. Just some digital brushing.

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I watched a bunch of Demon Slayer, digged my “manga” version Cecil from a while ago, sorta came up with this on the fly. There’s no alcoholism, obesity, or obvious degeneracy so not sure it really counts as fan art.

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The pride of New Jersey, the world's most charming serial butter licker,

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Congrats on the new opportunity , please never stop streaming. Had this piece sitting in the rafters never knowing when to use it, and now the moment has come...

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