

Minister of Cecil Propaganda.
Open for commission.

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Did anyone ask for a take on the old X-Men trading card,Spring Break series, style glamour shot of ?


I’m just gonna leave this here, you all gotta do what you gotta do. Less than 24 hrs from Cash Grab’s launch date. Cash Grab logo by Andrew Huer-r-r-r-rta

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2 days to get your funds ready to shove in ‘s backhole for Cash Grab Indiegogo launch. Book’s art team is pencil/inks & colors by . That sweet Cash Grab logo made by

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2020... Tokyo Olympics... with ‘s Cash Grab campaign it will be the year of Cecil, and shape the decade to come.

This took longer than I thought it would, 13 hrs to get it post worthy. Throw some love & do some retweets we’re almost a week away!

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I’ve heard it’s year of the wolf, year of the rat...

Don’t be misled, it’s year of Cecil. ‘s Cash Grab launches January 21st.

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I’m gonna have to start making my JACK show pieces widescreen ratio... 11pm it’s JACK Show- Happy New Year 2020! https://t.co/xdsgoVsKlD

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Listening to the Malin stream, ticked over midnight, so here’s my picks of top 4 art pieces. Key ingredients in Cecil art: alcohol, obesity, facial hair, Cecil headgear.

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9.5 hrs on the pad to finish it & make a special variant. Here you go the art you deserved.

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