

Writer, photographer, cyclist, illustrator, cat-adjacent. Lucasfilm booster. Quaker committed to nonviolence. Notorious powder puff. He/his. #BOSTONSTROG

フォロー数:151 フォロワー数:1060

This was 2000, when work on Episode II was happening, and Doug talks about two abandoned concepts that would find a home in that film: the air whales (originally designed for Bespin) and the sinkhole cities of Utapau (originally Mos Espa, then brought back to Mos Espa in BoBF).

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Try to guess which is fan art and which was concept art drawn for Star Wars. (As we all know, no production that uses thumbnail sketches can possibly be good.)

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Okay, so that's definitely Bender and Crow in the Peter David Star Wars Tales comic about Skippy the Jedi Droid, right?

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I assure you that portraying Alexander the Great and Hephaestion as lovers would neither be novel nor appropriative. Diogenes (an actual Greek Dude) said Alexander was “ruled by Hephaestion’s thighs.”

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I have a lot of issues with the Expanded Universe but I'm here for Chewbacca calling Han "grrrl."

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The issue here seems to be that hairstylist Paul LeBlanc was miscredited for Marilee Heyer’s drawing of Leia in an early Art Of… book and that error has propagated through the years, most recently in an alternate cover for Marvel’s “Age of Rebellion: Princess Leia”?

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What's this, Luke Skywalker successfully using the Jedi mind trick without ever having been trained in its use? 🤔 The kid is SUCH a Mary Sue.

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I'm reading the "Shadows of the Empire" comic and Luke goes to the planet Kothlis to get help from Koth. (No, not that one.) I assume next issue he will visit Bess on Bespin and Al, formerly of Alderaan.

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