

Work @ Met Museum of Art-NYC. Plus: #Birding #comics #Webtoons #DCcomics #Marvel #Makingcomics

フォロー数:1009 フォロワー数:1079

Finally saw a "Brown Creeper" this past weekend! One of my bird goals for 2015! Woot!

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Today isn't Internation Missing Earth-two and the JSA Day? Well, it should be!

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Very down today. Whose picture can cheer me up, just by looking at it? Hmm...

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A new Tom Oxen comic! Not sure its funny but had to start over somewhere. Strange &sad to have free time on a Sunday

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Photo of my dad on his motorcycle- probably from the late 1940's - at the old family homestead in CT. 8/6/23-11/8/15

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The original Earth-two Catwoman- by Dave Stevens.

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Plutona by & was the best comic I've read in years! Yep, that's whatcha call high praise!~

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I cut back the comics I buy but when the few I do are as good as Gotham by Midnight & Theyre Not Like Us, it's a win!

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Loved Archie but not happy w/portrayal of Kevin Keller. Always a strong leader, he came off shallow & crazed here

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