John Ernenputschさんのプロフィール画像

John Ernenputschさんのイラストまとめ

37 year old LA guy. I enjoy Comic Books, Sports (Dodgers, Lakers, Kings, USC, UCI) TV, Movies. I Write about comics @Comicosity

フォロー数:3174 フォロワー数:1113

A few years later McGuinness would rejoin the title for Loeb’s last S/B arc. That was a doozy. I won’t attempt to even explain it... other than there was an Ultimates pastiche (Maximums), a lot of gender swapped characters. Oh and then Bat-Mite Mr. Mxy, Darkseid, and Joker(10/)

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Then the big reveal that Lex didn’t notice that Shazam & Hawkman weren’t themselves afte they came back from fighting Batman & Superman. This moment was awesome. The shot of Superman’s chest sticking out from the Shazam costume was 🔥👏👌 (9/)

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This great moment where Dick throws a punch at the President in the Oval Office! I don’t think there’s a character from either Marvel or DC that Ed doesn’t draw great. To make that point even more, below I also threw in a random page from his and Loeb’s Nova run years later (8/)

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That entire arc was phenomenal, and absolutely beautiful. I loved the end of issue 3 & then when Lex brought in some of the big guns to find the fugitive Batman & Superman (6/)

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... art duties on the first and last arcs of the really, really good Superman/Batman series that started in 2003. That first arc where Superman & Batman bringing down President Lex Luthor felt like a huge event at the time, without being a proper event with tie-ins (5/)

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Ed’s work on Superman’s supporting cast, especially Lois, was very strong. I’ve always liked the way he draws her. That same run also featured quite a bit of Batman and Joker, and those being good probably helped with why he was later chosen to join Loeb with...

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McGuinness REALLY got going with his work on the Jeph Loeb penned Superman run. When Cam Smith joined him on the series as one of the inkers I felt McGuinness’ art really started to come together, and hasn’t changed a whole lot since then

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I was going to respond to your tweet when you sent it, but I ended up going down a rabbit hole and went through a whole bunch of McGuinness art. I honestly believe he’s one of my favorites? I’m going to do an appreciation thread but, I’ll start here... I love his Cable & Cap!

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Bojack SPOILERS: I’ve had a really hard time the past few years falling out of touch with some of the people I was closest to in my college years. These were some of the best friends I ever had. The final scene of the final season of broke me. Man... 😭

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