

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:127

Pixal Heart, Lythena Landfall, & Lucky Rebel are all in cool recs by, ?!Virus!?💉 (ID: QL1V4G)

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Alora Moxie, is back on tour & she's having a blast, performing! She even went back to her natural hair color/style.

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Lythena, is enjoying a good book & look'n good doing it, lol! Lucky, is excited for St. Patrick's Day; she's Irish, afterall. Recs by, Darayaku!

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Pixal Heart, Lythena, & Lucky, are all in awesome recs by, Player A! (ID: XT3HX9Y3)

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The origin of Lucifer; when they fell from Heaven and landed in a thick darkness. More comics to come! (Read from right to left, like in a Japanese

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"For this White Day, I got you something special," Lucky holds your gift up, blushing, "I hope that, I can make you just as happy as you made me, on V-Day." -Lucky Rebel

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"My assistant, Pip & I, have downloaded a St. Patrick's Day themed set up. However, I actually made this crown, for you, Mistress." -Pixal Heart

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"I picked your ripe strawberries, for you," smirked Alora. "You're lucky you have me around to help out, or these would go bad, before you could enjoy them, with me...Baka!"

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"Thank you, all, for being here, for the aquarium charity event!" Alora, posed for a few photos & continued, "If you're as passionate as I am, you'll donate & save our ocean life!"

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"I adore animals! Especially, more than most humans. Personally, I don't think anyone should own a pet unless they have the money to spend, to give them the best life!"-Alora Moxie

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