

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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Cain gave Jooin a hickey without consent. If you want proof, it’s not Jooin’s problem.

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Cain is always telling Jooin that he will wait and yet seducing him every single second. Remember that Jooin’s response has always been he needs to sort things out first.

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Cain’s character is flat. He’s always just following Jooin around. Even his birthday is the same as his.

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Cain is selfish. He said he wants Jooin to be happy but not if it’s not with him.

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And here we go again with his pitiful expression. It’s really just a cycle of him meddling and apologizing but then he will meddle again.

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When Yahwi came, Jooin wanted to explain the situation to Yahwi so that he won’t get the wrong idea but Cain yet again meddled.

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Cain literally has done nothing but invade Jooin’s privacy, mess with his relationship with Yahwi, impose his feelings on him, and be a dirty parasite in his apartment.

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He said that he will wait even if it takes an eternity, but like LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY, he’s telling Jooin that he’s a man too and is fine if things get deeper.

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Cain is possessive. Why does Jooin need to apologize? He doesn’t even owe him anything. And Cain said that he will wait but he keeps reminding Jooin every single second.

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Hugging and sniffing Jooin as soon as he entered the house like a total creep that he is. Cain should know his place because he is just nothing but a parasite in Jooin’s apartment.

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