

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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Jooin got a fever and what Cain did is shove the medicine down his throat using his mouth which is the best way to choke someone to death. He even bit Jooin’s lip which is unnecessary and literally an assault.

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If you know that the person you like already has someone else in mind, you will respect that.

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Jooin told him that his head is a mess right now but he still asked him to take him seriously. All Jooin asked and needed is time and space to clear his head. Pressuring him is the last thing he needs.

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Another emotional manipulation. He is making himself pitiful in order to make Jooin feel guilty. Jooin can meet whoever he wants. “What about me” - it is not about you. It is about Jooin.

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Cain is obsessed. He just watches Jooin’s every move. I can feel Jooin’s awkward laugh here. Cain is just so cringey.

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Even after Jooin told him that he gets goosebumps when he’s sniffing him, he even climbed to his bed (again) to sniff him more like a horny dog. You are supposed to be respected when you are sleeping in your own home.

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He just does whatever he pleases without respecting Jooin’s comfort. He sniffed Jooin which gave Jooin goosebumps.

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Cain is just too touchy and clingy. Jooin was taken aback that they have to hug again. And after acting like a pathetic fool, he showed his other side again.

4 41

This is another emotional manipulation where Cain victimizes himself in order to gain Jooin’s pity. He is talking again like a toddler.

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Cain apologized for meddling… again. He is acting like a fool again. Jooin already told him that calling him master makes him uncomfortable but Cain didn’t stop. And Jooin made it clear that it is none of his business.

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