

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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What Yahwi said here totally makes sense! You shouldn’t trust anyone easily, you have to know their intentions first. Cain’s expression changed again. He is a two-faced person. He acts stupid in front of Jooin, even speaking in third person, but opposite when Jooin’s not around.

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Cain is putting Jooin in an uncomfortable situation.

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When Jooin was brokenhearted with Yahwi and is calling Yahwi in his sleep, Cain’s solution is to climb into his bed to hug and kiss him which is unnecessary.

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Jooin doesn’t have any romantic feelings towards Cain and just sees him as an older brother, and Cain calling him master makes him uncomfortable.

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Cain has always been giving Yahwi glares whether a mocking glare or a death glare whenever he gets Jooin away from him.

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When Jooin and Yahwi were having a serious conversation about their misunderstanding, Cain interrupted them again.

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Again, Jooin literally told him that he doesn’t have to do something like this but he still did. He made Jooin feel guilty again because the food he made was wasted. This lead to Jooin taking him out to make up for it when he’s done nothing wrong.

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When Jooin slept with Yahwi, Cain stayed up all night. Literally nobody asked you to. As Jooin just mentioned, he doesn’t have to do any of this. But he still said that he waited all night worried for him which made Jooin feel guilty.

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Cain cooked Jooin a meal but Jooin said that he doesn’t have to. Cain also lied that he’s broke when he’s not. He mentioned earlier that he doesn’t have any money in order to live in Jooin’s apartment.

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Jooin told Cain that he likes Yahwi a lot. If you know that a person likes someone, especially “a lot”, you should respect that instead of ruining their moments EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

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