

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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Cain has the audacity to say that Yahwi was sticking his nose in when he's the one who interrupted them. He's also not Jooin’s bf. He's not respecting Jooin’s space by hugging him. And as you can see in his expression, he manipulated it again just to get Jooin away from Yahwi.

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Jooin told Yahwi about what happened so naturally Yahwi told him to be cautious which definitely makes sense. Jooin was touched that Yahwi is worried about him but then Cain, again, ruined their moment and meddled.

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Next, he tricked Jooin in order to live in his apartment.

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Not only he is not invited to their date but he also successfully took Jooin away. It was a manipulation because as you can see in Cain’s expression, he intentionally acted like a fool in order to get Jooin and mock Yahwi.

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Yahwi asked Cain to get off Jooin but then Cain has the audacity to tell him to mind his own business when he is the one meddling in the first place. This is also the first time Jooin asked him to apologize.

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This is the first time that Cain meddled in Yahwi and Jooin’s interaction. Jooin and Yahwi are supposed to have a coffee together but Cain joined them uninvited.

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Cain is a stalker. Imagine someone following you around and even waited for you at the airport. That’s just plain creepy.

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You knowing the person in your past life does not excuse you to do anything that you want without respect for the person’s personal space.

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This is Cain’s first appearance. Imagine just doing your own thing and suddenly a stranger hugged and kissed you out of the blue. That is sexual harassment. No matter where you look at it, hugging and kissing a stranger without consent is wrong.

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—a comprehensive thread:

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