

Animal loving.. vintage flower power hoarding.. nature wombling child of fire and her pup lost in the woods... everyday adventures…

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Every body is a bikini body.. we’re ALL beautiful.... it’s the culture that needs to change, not our bodies.. so it’s time to get out there and be completely and unapologetically who we are! And if the world isn’t ready... well it needs to catch up!

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Hah... the movie of dreams.... who doesn’t love fries huh? I mean... there’s a fry out there for everyone, they will never give up on you.. always right where you left them even after a break, loyal, perfect for movie night, you’re never alone with fries!

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Day 30 and the FINAL day of ion is APPRECIATE!.

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Day 28 of ion is TIME! They say the bad news is time flies.. and it’s true. Blink and you miss it.. but the good news? You’re the pilot! So that means you need to get steering yourself in the best direction.

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Day 26 of ion is DREAM! I live in a daydream.Don’t let people put you down like day dreaming is a silly waste of time, just as long as you take action along side them then you’re making progress and catching your dreams like butterflies! 🦋

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Day 24 of ion is SONG! Music is an amazing tool.. it’s an instant get out of your own head anxiety helper and for me an essential part of my little bubble and self care routine!

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Day 22 of ion is SMALL STEPS! This is one I need to work on. I tend to think about EVERYTHING I need to do and EVERYWHERE I’m not.. it’s silly, it’s overwhelming and completely unachievable. Small steps and we’ll get there!

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Day 21 of ion is TALK! How often do people say “you alright?” as they rush past before you’ve even had a chance to open your mouth! Lets check on the people we love.. and get ready to really talk and even better REALLY listen!

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