

Animal loving.. vintage flower power hoarding.. nature wombling child of fire and her pup lost in the woods... everyday adventures…

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Day 10 of ion is laughter is said to be contagious... laughter is the best medicine! I just love how laughter sounds like a cure for itself.. something like that just HAS to be good! It’s my sense of humour that has got me through tough times!

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Day 8 of ion is RECHARGE! I run on nervous energy so I literally don’t stop until I drop... Then I’m the queen of napping... my rainbow brain battery needs a boost and my heart and soul battery needs a top up too.

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I’ve learnt so much.... and I’m ready to learn so much more Day 8 of ion is LEARN..

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Day 4 of ion is SNUGGLE! And although I’m not the most touchy feely hug bug with humans.... I flippin LOVE to cuddle up to animals. And I just LOVE to get under a blanket and snuggle with my bestie.... 💕

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day 3 for anyone needing a boost! This ones for you, YOU ARE AWESOME!

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You may feel fragile some days but just look at what a whole heap of snowflakes can do when they stick together... No snowflake falls in the wrong place, we're here together for a reason... never be afraid to reach out..

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Give yourself the love you deserve, don't give that responsibility to people who aren't ready for it. Once you love you, it won't matter who comes or goes. treat yourself right... and that way you'll know exactly what you deserve and won't settle for anything less 💕

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Too many people with mental health problems are made to feel isolated, worthless and ashamed.. Your feelings are SO valid... never let anyone let you believe they’re not. Reach out and I promise you’ll realise you’re not alone 💕

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