

Animal loving.. vintage flower power hoarding.. nature wombling child of fire and her pup lost in the woods... everyday adventures…

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Day 20 of ion is LETTER.. I love letters, I used to write the craziest ones filled with doodles and all kinds of random nonsense.... if I could write a letter to my old self it would say....

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Day 19 of ion is FUNNY MEMORY... well so so many of these star Dad in a major role .My heart broke when I lost my Dad but these are the things that get me through and these are the moments I’m forever grateful for!

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Day 18 of ion is SOCIAL.. well I suffered with social anxiety for most of my life. Not helped by controlling relationships with fear feeders. Then a couple of years ago I turned a corner.. I had to do it alone and guess what? I flippin did it.

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Day 17 of ion is create.. I believe in creating yourself.. your own happiness, your own little world, being your own sunshine and rainbows.. it’s going to rub off into others then and that’s gotta be a good thing to spread around!

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Day 16 of ion is TREASURE! I’m a complete nature womble.. my pockets are always filled with nature’s treasures because I’m fascinated by saving a fallen flower, grabbing the first conker of the season, finding a magical hag stone!

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Day 15 of ion is KINDNESS! Kindness is free so get throwing that good stuff around! Give someone a compliment.. don’t be shy.. tell them! Share your sunshine because the smile you give out comes back to you!

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Day 14 of ion is SQUAD! Well for the crazy star girl that fell from the skies and never quite understood where she fit in... this is a tricky one. If I’m honest I’m a loner, I wander about fascinated with what I see and collect moments.

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Day 13 of ion is DOODLE! Doodling is my therapy.. I always felt like a cartoon girl in a real world and that hasn’t changed one bit.. doodling helps me express my feelings and I love when my doodles touch others too 💕

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Day 12 of ion is ANIMALS.. I adore animals, all of them. In general I much prefer animal to people.. if I go to a party and there’s an animal there, well we’re gonna be hanging out.

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Day 11 of ion is ENCOURAGE! When we share our truth, our fears, our passions we can encourage others to do the same.. and be a lighthouse in someone else’s storm!

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