

I can't promise I'll say anything interesting, but I'll do my best. Looking for more art than politics? Check my instagram.

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This weeks work, Crystalia "Crystal" Amaquelin, of the Inhumans. I've had a drawing of her in progress for a few years now, so I finally decided to finish one off.

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This weekend's entry into the Random Superhero Project -- Persuasion, aka Kara Killgrave, the daughter of The Purple Man (Dave Tennant's character on "Jessica Jones.")

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QRT with your improvement

2015 vs. 2022

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This weekend found me working on two of my City of Heroes characters, because they just go well together-- my fire/fire blaster Midnight Mite and my Earth/Kin controller StalacMite.
And yes, I gave her the Earth controller powerset simply to make use of that pun as her name.

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The latest Demon Girl, Katya. I tried to have her color scheme play well off the colors of the Ukrainian flag on her shirt, and then chose a screen for the random street scene behind her that I hoped would complement her skin tone to make her stand out.

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This weekend's project, another City of Heroes character, my archery/energy blaster Gaelic Rage. The fun thing about drawing these is that I can finally break past the limitations of the game's graphics and show off how they all looked in my head.

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Just because the subject is random, that doesn’t mean they’re unknown. This time my Random Superhero Project landed on the DC Encyclopedia page with The Suicide Squad on it, and I figured I should draw Harley given it’s been about 5 years since I have.

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Pixie Girl (2022) -- Returning to her roots. I'm not sure what I was aiming for with the background. It started off as a generic room, but then I decided to use a cooler color as a screen to offset the warmth of PG's palette. Whether that's actually what happened is beyond me.

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Post two of your comfort characters and tag five of your friends.

Rather than tagging specific folks, feel free to run with this if you'd like.

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Since it's Valentine's weekend, it's also time for my annual sappy content. This year's drawing is Marko and Alana from 'Saga,' which, if you've not had the joy of reading, is basically a cross between Star Wars and Romeo and Juliet.

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