

I can't promise I'll say anything interesting, but I'll do my best. Looking for more art than politics? Check my instagram.

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A rare Friday post! Next up on -- I opted for his Hellfire Gala 2021 look just because I feel like it was the easiest to keep with the theme of the others just kind of being (attempted) thirst traps.

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I've been meaning to draw Lady Amalthea for a while, so here she is in what I thought was a cute outfit I saw on Instagram.

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Number two of the six fanarts – Although I much prefer her going by “Wolverine,” I drew her in her X-23 uniform simply because its colors translated better to this style, as opposed to having her super-dark hair fall across the black in those costumes.

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This week's project was Jean Grey from the Ultimate X-Men series. I couldn't decide which of these two poses/expressions to use for this version of Jean, so.... obviously I did both.

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A casual Blink I drew, taking inspiration from various comic and movie appearances. The hard border, rather than a fade out, is something new for me with shaded drawings. I'm not sure whether I like it...

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The latest addition to the Random Superhero Project: From page 282 of the DC Comics Encyclopedia, it's Carol Ferris, aka. Star Sapphire. (I'm just too practical to have supers go into battle with their long hair loose.)

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I'm still waiting for "delicious, delicious infidel meat..."

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I feel like we're Charlie Brown and the football when it comes to "finality" between these two. (I'd love for them to finally sign the metaphorical divorce agreement, though)

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If she does, that would certainly take the punch out of the scene from the recent issue where she said the Phoenix couldn't hold her.

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