Lachlan Goudieさんのプロフィール画像

Lachlan Goudieさんのイラストまとめ

Artist, author, broadcaster. 'The story of Scottish art' is published by Thames & Hudson.

フォロー数:1144 フォロワー数:10584

‘An echo in the Western hills’ gouache, ink and watercolour on paper. An image by the great Scottish photographer James Craig Annan lies at the heart of this painting and a series of others I created around the same time

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Gavin Hamilton was born into an influential Lanarkshire family in 1723. In his 20s he tried to establish himself as a portrait painter in London producing dazzling images like this of Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton

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By 1767 Gavin Hamilton was principal tutor of painting at the Academia di San Luca in Rome. Among his students would be the greatest neoclassical sculptor of his day Antonio Canova & the French painter Jacques-Louis David

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In the 1950s Robert Colquhoun was celebrated as the most pioneering British artist of his day. New York’s Museum of Modern Art acquired one of his paintings, placing him among the first British artists of his generation to enter the collection.

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In 1948 Wilhelmina Barns-Graham undertook a trip to the Grindelwald Glacier in Switzerland which inspired a series of canvasses where frosty layers of ice and time were conveyed with sharp-edged abstraction. 'Glacier Crystal' 1950

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