

perpetually sleep-deprived 🐥 jack of all trades, distracted by no 🐤 header by uselessmachine@tumblr

フォロー数:59 フォロワー数:90

Warm-up sketchover of a.. 2016-ish picture of My Best Girl(tm) (the worst girl)

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Taking a break from one picture by roughing out another.

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Throwing up eleven pages today as a Traditional Comic Preview(tm).. if Sai and Clip will COOPERATE.

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Sometimes ignoring the shit out of a hated panel for a couple of pages works out.

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Lahore pigeon icon for October.

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Possible thumbnails for a commission. I always forget that I enjoy doing thumbs : they're such fun, quickie practice.

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Style drifts happen! I'm moderately impressed that I managed to jump abruptly from "anime-lite" to "pseudo-realism" in three fucking panels, though. I think I was drawing roleplaying portraits and forgot to switch the style switch back OFF. :[

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Colouring remains the worst. My process is generally - do b/w tones to get correct values, shade it, then paint colours with overlay/multiply/screen as needed. But that bleaches the skin in more pigmented lighting, apparently! So gotta darken the tones to not bleach out my boyyy.

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Skipping around a lot on which pages I'm working on, but here's most of a scene.

The sidebars are mostly subtle on purpose, but I'm inordinately fond of the possessed one.

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Looking at some pages, it is very easy to tell the point I got exasperated and started phoning it in. Almost the exact same pose. A-almost.

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