leehama 🍞 robynさんのプロフィール画像

leehama 🍞 robynさんのイラストまとめ

Robyn (she/her)! | Creator of "Gourmet Hound" | [email protected]

フォロー数:547 フォロワー数:18938

There weren’t a lot of episodes left for it, but having them mutually crushing on each other was fun!! (And also kind of embarrassing, but in an ok way ha ha)

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I wanted these little gestures to feel monumental—Lucy asking for help, and wanting to cook for someone instead of just being fed!

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Ngl Jacobi successfully getting Kirby into his apartment for dinner by just giving up on pretending to be cute or alluring is still pretty funny to me

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Me, writing a slowburn: Well, it’s episode 153, it’s about time for her to realize her feelings I guess

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I saw people wondering if they all were actually in the park with Lucy ha ha

No, they’re just to represent that if Lucy looks behind her, she’s come very far!

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Considering that I didn’t have solid plans about Colby at the start of the arc, I’m glad he evolved into just the right character for this monologue, which is kind of like the thesis statement of the series!

(I admit that it’s a LOT of dialogue though ha ha)

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I wanted to emphasize the victory of happy everyday life—Colby knows he won’t ever truly feel as if he didn’t lose his father, but he’s back in a stable routine where his grief isn’t making every day feel like a hurdle

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Lucy is me, a millennial looking at Gen Z-ers who are far more capable than I was at their age, and probably are more capable than I am now

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But it’s not really back to step 1 — she still has her old friends, but she has her new ones too (and her job promotion that she can now put her heart into!)

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Lucy’s hairstyle is supposed to be reminiscent of the short hair she had at the beginning of the story—her hair is still long, she hasn’t undone all the growth she’s had so far, but for her it feels like beginning at step one again

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