leehama 🍞 robynさんのプロフィール画像

leehama 🍞 robynさんのイラストまとめ

Robyn (she/her)! | Creator of "Gourmet Hound" | [email protected]

フォロー数:547 フォロワー数:18933

It was important that Walt and Joanna be the ones who ease Lucy into giving up her search, because they were also the ones who also helped her most after her grandmother’s death

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I almost forgot Jacobi in this sequence, sorry Bob

5 125

There seems to be a lot of misinterpretation about the ingredients in this Japanese curry, so: curry sauce roux (not chocolate), red potatoes (not apples), onion, carrots, and chicken

(the apple and honey is already in the sauce block)

4 127

This was very much meant to be that thing about family asking “Have you eaten yet?” as a way of saying “I love you”

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She’s reaching for her family, but what’s within reach is the necklace and Graham—and though she cares about Graham a lot, he’s not a substitute, just like how the necklace isn’t a substitute either

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I saw a lot of people upset at Graham for not confessing to Lucy here, but she’s very much not in a good state for having more big feelings thrown at her??

Graham centering Lucy’s feelings and not his own was meant to be the proof of how much he cares about her

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1. No one irl talks like this

2. I wanted to make it clear that excessive self-sacrifice isn’t good—it can feel like if you’re the only one suffering it’s alright, but it’s still a net gain of suffering entering the world!

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Realistically, this is a healthy choice!

But storytelling-wise, having the central plot premise thrown out the window felt risky? It’s not a far leap to thinking, “So nothing that happened before matters”

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Graham has gone from a person who did not want to see his old coworkers, and felt like an imposter among them, to this! He’s farther along his character arc than Lucy, which I know can be frustrating

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