

editorial coordinator @QueerSpec. she/he/they i like comics and being silly :p

フォロー数:753 フォロワー数:1214

i feel like the gorgeous outfits the artist gives starfire should tell you that this creative team is very much in favor of starfire's revealing outfits and her personal style and isn't trying to slutshame but what do i know

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i almost wonder if dc released this particular preview excerpt specifically bc ppl keep saying the gn portrays starfire as a "bad mom" even tho it obviously doesn't and nothing in the press release suggested that it would. bc this excerpt pretty directly refutes that idea

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new reaction image

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i don’t love how starfire has the speech patterns she uses in the cartoons, that’s not /my/ starfire, but look she’s such an enthusiastic mom 🥰 and i am truly obsessed with her bathrobe

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my favorite is from squirrel girl beats up the marvel universe where hawkeye and black widow are stretching in the background. erica henderson is so fantastic

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filing this away in my lesbian jubilee evidence drawer

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not blaming vecchio for this but it annoys me a little how ppl make a big deal about rictor & shatterstar's first kiss and ignore this lesbian kiss between alternate universe versions of mj watson and mariko yashida in exiles, from 2003

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finished avatar the last airbender? great now why don’t you read some asian inspired fantasy stories by actual asian creators?

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I can’t remember if I ever posted it on here but I drew pietro animalcrossing for an art trade with 🤡🐏💖

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“blackwashing” isn’t a thing. jubilee’s olive skin tone in xmen evo is consistent with many of her appearances in the comics. and what’s wrong with magma being afro-brazilian? seems a lot better than having her introduced in brownface like she was in the comics

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