

Hehe funny man | I edit Dragon Ball videos

フォロー数:398 フォロワー数:43178

I really want to see Goku wearing casual outfits more often in Super '19, please.

131 498

Vegetatata would be pretty strong too

4 37

Forget Gogeta and Vegetto, Gogoku would be the ultimate fusion.

8 69

I don't approve Gohan having Vegeta's receding hairline in Super, that's a no no.

He can also lick his own boogers now that his nose is melting all over his mouth, fantastic.

24 117

Modern Goku was a mistake.

91 488

Maybe Goku is scared of Vegeta these days because he doesn't have the upper hand on him anymore, either way, I prefer adult Goku acting more calm.

Then again, it depends on the context of the scene. I'm just tired of this overly-childish Goku in modern Dragon Ball.

40 215

I miss the days when the clothes changed colors with they transformed...

9 49

Shout-outs to this gentleman for surviving all of his battles until he became an old man, after all, most of the Saiyans die in combat at a young age.

Fuck dumb Goku and always angry Vegeta, I would like to know his story

4 47

Where's the classic wrinkle around the mouth?

That's one of the few things that lets me know that Goku has aged :{

17 149

Oh, fuck. Saiyans can age backwards :0

137 558