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Mark Wittonさんのイラストまとめ

Twitter account of Dr. Mark Witton, palaeoartist and palaeontologist. Follow my work at I'm also on Bluesky at

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OK - I understand. I certainly agree with you that those crests are very different to what we see in birds and we shouldn't assume they're the same. I've wondered if the bumps along the top of some crests (e.g. Yutyrannus) are scale correlates, given the anatomy of other tyrants.

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Don't celebrate too loud: you'll startle this tiny, tiny baby Scleromochlus. (#Paleoart from 2019)

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And - whew - one more piece of for a take on the famous Fossil Forest of the . As usual, the high-res is located on Patreon along with loads of other essays, artworks and videos.

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I just uploaded 30 (yes, 30) new sketches to all at once. Sometimes more is more, right? You can see them in HD at or else check out the web-res versions at the new website!

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Some old for a mural of an OTT early Jurassic sea I painted back in 2018. I remember having a week or two to paint this and another commission for the same project, so much work was done and not much sleep was had.

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But I *like* drawing alien penguins.

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New posted at a lateral- and dorsal-view muscle study of Pachyrhinosaurus, based on a skeletal. I created this last year and then totally forgot about it - see the full image (including the dorsal view) at

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New blogpost for I discuss the textures of carcharodontosaurid skulls in an attempt to reconstruct the face of Giganotosaurus (a tricky animal to research but a cool one to draw).

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from 2017 for the giant placoderm Titanichthys filters through Devonian seas. This image is featured in my old school "tour-through-time" 2020 book Life Through the Ages II. I had a blast putting LTTAII together, I hope to something like it again someday.

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It's obviously based on older data, so it's dated somewhat by this new study. Comparing it with the new skeletal, it's not awfully wrong, though. I should be painting more early tyrannosauroids in the near future, possibly including Eotyrannus.

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