


フォロー数:849 フォロワー数:1497

Drawn in the rain and 800 mile an hour winds

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YOWZAH both of my workshops are sold out omg!! Looking forward to having some decent pizza, Chinese food, ooohhh and hopefully not freeze my arse off, it cold oyyyy, GOT MUCHO GLOVES! <3 https://t.co/iYo1mqqFsh

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Join in San Francisco's Palace of the Fine Arts for half-day workshop https://t.co/iYo1mqrdhP 💥 - https://t.co/MhJFnqi4xr

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My last Midwest winter was in Illinois with my mom as she was unraveling; I went to see Woodstock Willie and all that ballyhoo ⛄️

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Retreat, when the blow it out the blowhole, it casts a rainbow

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Retreat, I still can’t stop thinking about the sooooo magical

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