


I translate BA comics as a hobby. Biggest Nagisa simp in existence.
NSFW Warning.

Commissions closed.

Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/meteorzetsu

フォロー数:1696 フォロワー数:18302

Also I said I wouldn't take a dime for BA contents. But my 8 year old PC that I already raised from the dead once is acting up again. And without it I can't TL anything anyway. So I'll take commissions so I can get a new PC asap. DM me for translating BA/non-BA SFW/NSFW manga.

16 236

The first chapter of the official GDD manga is now available in Mangadex. Translated by yours truly.

(Check replies for announcement)

Link : https://t.co/0mZ5ogfsBG

445 2949

English Translation
Artist commentary : Noa's mochi.

She even took the line that's usually associated with Yuuka.

159 1123

English Translation

124 1026

Brb fertilizing Nagisa's eggs https://t.co/XxJZkG31RE

99 1351

English Translation
Artist commentary : First shrine visit of New Year with Noa and Yuuka.

149 1017

English Translation
Artist commentary : The timeline where Sensei gets a girlfriend.

Mika meets Sensei's girlfriend out in the streets. What will she do?

92 655