

Interactive, artefact-based history workshops on Mexico, the Mexica/Aztecs and the Maya, in over 3,000 UK schools, museums and arts centres since 1980.

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'To dismiss the realm as a "#cannibal kingdom" displays a woeful ignorance of their sacrificial rites which served more complex ends' (Nigel Davies).
Read our latest feature, by Prof. Kay Read, on the Aztecs and Cannibalism
(Florentine Codex Bk 4)

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Numbers were sacred in ancient FIVE - in the shape of a - refers to the structure of the human body (4 limbs + trunk), of towns/cities, of the world, of the universe: 4 cardinal directions and the World Tree at the centre, linking heavens and underworlds.

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We're 40 today! first ran a school workshop on April 2nd. 1980, at Primary School, Battersea, London. We've since clocked up over 3,500. Still going strong - but right now sadly on hold...

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If an slave could escape from their owner, exit the market, run to the palace AND - crucially - step on human excrement (!), (s)he was congratulated and formally given freedom. The (ritual) poo bit is explained by Alfredo López Austin here -

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The European dichotomy good/evil was a concept found hard to comprehend. To them the world at heart was good ('cualli' in Nahuatl); with no notion of '(d)evil', these could only be translated as 'amo cualli' (not good). As for 'sin' - 'what the hell is that?'!

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Tobacco - picietl ('little perfume') in - was not just smoked by it was used medicinally: ground up to treat diarrhoea, poisonous snake/spider bites, gout, headache, and as a rubdown to relieve fatigue. Image from Florentine Codex.

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In Mexico today 4 festival dates have roots far back in history, linked to key moments in the cycle: Feb 2 (beginnings), May 3 (petitioning for rain), Aug 15 (praying for growth) and Oct 30 (harvest thanksgiving/offerings for the Days of the Dead).

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On this day in 1896 the great Mexican David Alfaro was born in Chihuahua. Along with and he established 'Mexican Muralism'. An ardent communist, he believed art should be public, educational, and ideological. Here: his 1944 mural at Tecpan

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Guess which herbal medicine recipe was a success in Europe for 200 years? The cure for HICCUPS! It was a chest rub, a juice made up of ground and cooked herb stalks (inc. this one, 'papaloquilitl'), leaves, pine bark, grass and honey...
(Pic: Badianus Manuscript)

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