Mika Orange | BLMさんのプロフィール画像

Mika Orange | BLMさんのイラストまとめ

Mika/Ripley. They/them. Sometimes I draw. Occasionally I make comics. Once in a blue moon, I even write. Proud parent of 1 million unused characters.

フォロー数:47 フォロワー数:74

Anyway is really good & I might be a tiny bit obsessed with Billie

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Another dragon because I have no restraint & I love myself

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Less annoying and more surprising: my style being compared to . I... kinda see it?

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By far the most baffling was when I designed a Viking character, meticulously sorted out her color scheme, posted her design in a server for some feedback.

Immediate response: "Is that Geralt from The Witcher?"

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Seperate pics, if that's what yall prefer for whatever reason

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2014 vs 2020. I think there's been at least a little improvement.

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Did the for one o them things. I was gonna color it, but I kinda love it as is.

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oh hey look i gave him some nice colors

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2020 vs. 2019. It's like a completely different person drew them.

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Holy heck, I should probably have a pinned Tweet! Anyway, hi! I'm Mika (or Ripley). I'm a nonbinary lesbian art student who does both traditional & digital art. Preferred traditional medium is watercolor.

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