Mika Orange | BLMさんのプロフィール画像

Mika Orange | BLMさんのイラストまとめ

Mika/Ripley. They/them. Sometimes I draw. Occasionally I make comics. Once in a blue moon, I even write. Proud parent of 1 million unused characters.

フォロー数:47 フォロワー数:74

One final note: As I was rambling about this in a Discord server, a friend of mine asked whether you could eat Arceus.
You *might* be able to. But at the moment, we have no way of knowing if God is even a carbon-based life form. (My instincts say no.)

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As for Grass-types, they're...plants. Many Grass-types are literally just fruit, or otherwise fruit-producing. However, there are also plenty of Grass-types who are not recommended for human consumption. You wouldn't eat leaves off a shrubbery.

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I'm making a special case for the Vanillite line, because while these bad boys can get dangerously cold, they're literally just ice cream.

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Elemental types (Fire, Ice, Water, Electric) can honestly vary. It's best to look at their physical makeup instead (once again, many of these bad boys are constructs).

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Dark-types have the same problem, with the added hurdle that their flesh is often *incredibly* bitter. This is, of course, excluding Dark-types that are shadow constructs, such as Darkrai.

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As for cultural norms...well, depending on the region you're in, there will be Pokemon that are commonly kept as pets, and thus are frowned upon to eat.
Plenty of people eat rabbit or dog meat, but you wouldn't eat a Buneary in Sinnoh or a Lillipup in Unova.

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Normal-types are really just straight-up animals. They're a safe zone, and are almost always edible, excluding dietary restrictions or cultural norms.

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One example is Morelull, which has powerful hallucinogenic properties that some youths use recreationally.
However, once it evolves into Shiinotic, these properties become much more potent, and overdose is very likely if one is not careful.

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Fairy- and Psychic- types are a bit of a wild card. While Mr. Mime can be eaten safely if correctly prepared (see source by the wonderful iguanamouth), it is otherwise highly toxic.

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Ghost-types are usually just spectral constructs, so you'd be hard-pressed to try and get any meat out of 'em. Some Ghost-types *do* have material components (eg: Phantump), but they can often be inedible anyway. (Would you eat a tree?)

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