

Just a guy who's into to nerdy stuff.
Casually Competitive Smasher 3DS: 0645-7185-4095 PSN: Fire_IncarnateX NINID: my mtmaster_2k7

フォロー数:417 フォロワー数:148

So I'm not KH fan, but this man woke up and chose violence and he's not even wrong 👏🏾

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I see this and my brain immediately thinks, "ZeedGarurumon, that you?"

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Tfw you realize Ultra Sonic and Ultra Instinct Goku kinda have some similarities narratively speaking

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*you being attacked by us christmas folk today*

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Had to think on it but,
First video game : Was either Super Mario Bros or the Nes TMNT.
Last video game : Bravely Default II
Best video game : Toss up between Oot or SA2:B
Worst video game : Ninja Gaiden (never again will I touch a Ninja Gaiden game 🥲)

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