

Just a guy who's into to nerdy stuff.
Casually Competitive Smasher 3DS: 0645-7185-4095 PSN: Fire_IncarnateX NINID: my mtmaster_2k7

フォロー数:416 フォロワー数:146

So after having long fought battle and having achieved victory, our heroes decide to visit the local pub to celebrate.


This wonderful piece was of course done by , who never fails to impress in bringing one's vision to life :p.

3 12

I swear walking to and feel work everyday with like 30 lbs on my back is either going to kill me or make me swole

0 1

Expose yourself

-Last song you listened to
-18th pic in your camera roll
-Tag 6 mutuals (because why not)

0 3

Honestly it between Jon Tailbain & Skate would be nice.

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The fact that you have VI here is enough for me.

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Everyone acts like she is so damn terrible when the arent really looking at the bigger picture? despite the fact that yeah she was flawed as we all are.

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Shagaru Magala is a cake walk compared to this fucking Oozaru ass mofo

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