

Just a guy who's into to nerdy stuff.
Casually Competitive Smasher 3DS: 0645-7185-4095 PSN: Fire_IncarnateX NINID: my mtmaster_2k7

フォロー数:416 フォロワー数:146

Bro, honestly I agree with this notion. People should really ne more tactful with what they say as they never k ow how it may effect someone.

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Quote RT with 4 of your fav female protagonists (Weiss art by einlee on Deviant-Art).

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in women. (Because my bi ass did the male version so its obligatory I do the female counterpart lol)

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I think these 4 sum me up pretty much to a T.

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Okay hold the fuck up. Bleach may have been became a hotmess narratively but let's not pretend that Kubo definitely didnt have his characters dripping in goddamn sauce like all the time lol

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Saw this and thought it'd be fun to do. 4 fictional characters that I think describe me pretty well I'd say (honorable mention Yomiko Readman as well if I'm being honest). I'mma tag & and see how things may've changed from b4 :P.

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Every goddamn time I hear this come on, the volume gotta go to make and I'm like:

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This man really tried to throw my food away without finding out who it belonged to first and then had the audacity to slide the box it was in down the chute. I usually dont get mad about ANYTHING but low key I'm still kinda livid about that. Like what the actual fuck?

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