

I am Odalia Blight's Strongest Simp.

フォロー数:49 フォロワー数:4724

I have a MIGHTY NEED for more Meru the Demoness.

This shit is almost as good as Interspecies Reviewers. Its straight porn BUT it's also funny.

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These AEW and NXT shows are gonna take a bit to download with my garbage internet connection so whats everyone doing right now?

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im pretty sure I would be very open to the idea of being on both your livestreams. You should also ask and

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I saw the Trailer to Oddworld Soulstorm. The Trailer music would have been exceptional if the next Oddworld game was a Spiritual Successor to Stranger's Wrath.

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>When a good 90% of your Waifu Harem is either One Off Background characters, unimportant secondary characters that get next to no screen time or proper story recognition because the Storyboard Writers dont consider them important or are from Canadian/French Shows

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Furthering onto that, if you're conceptualizing a Spoiled Brat character then literally all of her core dialogue needs to subsist of

"My daddy bought me this and this and this and by the way you're ugly and poor."

And yes. "Daddy." Not Dad. Not Father. "Daddy."

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It should be literally the easiest job in the world to write a Spoiled Brat character literally all you have to do is just conceptualize a list of all the terrible things you can have her enjoy and then just have her do them

The worse the better even ask

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Bold fucking claim from the artist if I wouldn't walk up to Prince Peach and whisper straight in his ear

"damn son you looking real cute right now. Looking like a Double Wide Surprise."

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Maybe Schrödinger was onto something. My mother was a genuinely terrible human being. I've never further elaborated on it on any of the podcasts i've been on over the years but maybe my obsessive mommy fetish originates in wanting to create a universe I know doesn't exist.

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This reference is interesting

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