

Learning never ends
#micropoetry #poetry #vss #mpy #DimpleVerse @dimple969 @dimpleverse…

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:1271

Step by step
Day by day
Are we getting ready
to our last song
when life passes through
our eyes
don't let final note
be love song on paper
meet head on with smile
I am ready my

12 24

Written oasis
It only takes opening a book
You find yourself in world
Rough and tumble
Slow and soothing
The exquisite etiquette of invitation
To imagine...

18 31

Winding down
after fanatic catch up
frenzy of writing about
yesterday today tomorrow
dreaming a little dream of poetry
words spinning in circle
would they touch any hearts


8 23

Once I've said
I don't have hobbies
but obsessions
never thought it will end
but the first kiss of new one
I was swept off my feet
I don't know what future holds
glad to found new wave

10 32

Quickly jotted notes
stacks of of paper
memories, emotions
unbreakable bonds
to save her soul
she strings words
hellfire & harmony
rainbow tattoos
thunder & lightning
so she could feel alive

15 39

If only..
I could be
the flower
You want
Gazing at me
with adoration
If only..

7 14

Soul needs beauty
a timless touch of love
reaching from
distance places
across galaxies

3 12

She has not lost
her free spirit
it was trapped
between realty
and dreams

gave her wings

5 11