Dr Natalie Reilly-Johnsonさんのプロフィール画像

Dr Natalie Reilly-Johnsonさんのイラストまとめ

Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Writer, Mum-of-2. Co-host of #vssmurder & #vsspic. Link to my vss365 tweets below 👇👇

フォロー数:1653 フォロワー数:3350

“Oh look!” Their eyes glistened with tears as the Robin danced on the windowsill. “It’s Dad, come to say Merry Christmas.”

The sighed. Damn those Robins, always distracting people. It dropped the note & flew off. They’d have to face the coming storm without warning

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‘#Ugly Beach,’ they call it, on account of its craggy coastline & seaweed shore.

It’s the perfect place to meet. That way, I won’t fall in love.

But against this backdrop, you only dazzle more. My heart is a seagull, flapping & shrieking as it plunges into the murky sea.#vss365

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You’re talking but I’m dazzled by your eyes, glowing in the soft candlelight.
‘Don’t fight it’ they whisper, dancing in a kaleidoscope of green, yellow & blue. ‘Just let it happen.’

I realise you’ve asked me a question.
‘Whatever you want,’ I reply, freefalling.

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The is still coming. It’s day 4. I can’t have long left now.

I can’t tell Mum, she has enough to worry about. So I leave her a note. I expect I’ll be gone by morning. What is wrong with me?

I hide my blood-soaked underwear with the rest & curl up to sleep.

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waves crash at my feet. I can feel my life fading as fast as the sand sliding between my toes. Death awaits.

A young girl skips by. It’s like seeing new people arrive on the last day of your holiday. Sickening.

‘It’s ok’ she says. ‘You get more than 1 holiday.’

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That accent, the way his Rs whirred at
the back of his throat like motors,
drove me wild. Everything sounds romantic in French.

But when you stumbled in & said, "fancy some chips?' I realised nothing can make a heart sing quite like one’s language. And potatoes.

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It’s crept up on us, insidious. The that feeds on our decaying relationship.

Here we are, in paradise, but I can’t see or reach you. The sun only magnifies the rotting smell, & the palm trees are wafting us away.

Let’s curl up here in the sand & bury ourselves.

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It was a of a different kind. The sound of an ambulance played like a symphony, enticing her. A career as a Paramedic was the obvious choice.

‘You’re a natural,’ they said as she bent over the resuscitation dummy. ‘But..’
The dummy blinked & sat up to listen.

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I’ll give ‘em trick or treat. They set my lawn on last yr. So I’ve dusted the cookies w/ special ‘sugar.’
‘I made a new batch,’ says my wife. ‘Dropped the 1st lot. Oops!’
I choke on my tea. Is she trying to me?
‘Drink up dear. I added extra sugar.’

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