men you like yes?さんのプロフィール画像

men you like yes?さんのイラストまとめ

remy ☆ 25 ☆ he/it ☆ cemetery path almost hidden in deep grass leading to nowhere ☆ i wuv @rattel_m_bones 💝🍇🥖☆ icon by @feh_jay

フォロー数:638 フォロワー数:552

February 18th
Ainsley is an eye-demon, and the lead singer in the band Marmalade Mayhem! They met Myla when they were summoned to to forge a contract with the guitarist, only to end up enjoying their company and paying for Mylas half of the contract anyways!

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February 17th
Floriana is incredibly biased towards slimy and gooey Pokemon, and her team star is her Reuniclus (lovingly named Gushers.)
Floriana thinks battling and competitions should be all about having fun... but that doesn't mean she'll lose anytime soon!

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February 16th
Ya like Moths? Ya like Ghosts? Ya like remy ocs from the early days? Say hi to Oskar! Previously a fantroll, Oskar is a ghost.. moth? mhost? ghoth? who haunts Lauras Inn. The lamps in the main lobby were always broken, promise

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February 14th
You ever play a dating game and suddenly a new character "unlocks" for you to play and one thing leads to another and now you're dating a technological demon? That was Styx! It's always* Styx!
(*No it isn't)

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February 13th
Here's Monroe! An Incubus who's in love with romance itself. He isn't exactly the best at his job because he focuses more on helping fix the clients relationship than anything else, but at least he's good at it!
Feel free to talk to him about romcoms any time!

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Feburary 12th
I'll... catch up more next week I promise I've just been swamped recently.... anyways here's Orion Nevaeh, aka Outerstellar Cosmos! (Just Cosmos for short!)
He's an oc based in 's Hero Universe! ... just be mindful of the bright lights, okay?

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February 11th
Blood /
Changed my mind drawing on this laptop makes my whole body ache from how i have to sit
Ricweard is a zombie whose one task in life is to guard a mall full of other zombies who aren't sentient like he is. It's a thankless job, really.

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February 10th
Gore / Face Horror / Teeth
Flan is my first ever DND character (I Think? No quotesises on this one) A zombie merc who just wants to figure out who the hell the guy in this locket he has on him is (spoiler alert: its him!)

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February 8th and 9th
Two for One deal! Babette and Barnaby are a pair of living dolls (one porcelain, one ball jointed) who were recently brought to life through magical means! They're '6' years sentient and will absolutely steal your shoes right off your feet!

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February 7th
Blood /
Speaking of... Edvar Riese was an aspiring actor who met a tragic end during his audition. He really would've gotten the part too!! Despite the head and neck injury, he still paces around the house the undead share, mumbling soliloquies to himself.

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