men you like yes?さんのプロフィール画像

men you like yes?さんのイラストまとめ

remy ☆ 25 ☆ he/it ☆ cemetery path almost hidden in deep grass leading to nowhere ☆ i wuv @rattel_m_bones 💝🍇🥖☆ icon by @feh_jay

フォロー数:638 フォロワー数:552

February 6th
Blood /
Aristaios Doerthy is one of Eleven individuals who died after coming into contact with a cursed necromancer. Once a poet, always a poet, not even death has stopped them from their passion... if anything, it's given them more to write about!

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February 5th (for real this time)
Have you ever wished you could be anyone but yourself? Ludwick did! As a chameledemon, he can disguise himself as anyone he wants to, so long as he's studied them well enough! He gets it about 80% right most times!

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Febuary 5th
You know him, you love him, it's Puck-- wait. I did this last month. Hold up.
Ah hell, okay nice try Ludwick

5 8

February 4th
Eye trauma / Fungi / Clusters IG/
Spenser is a gwumpy ex-detective who was awoken abruptly from his rest to be the 'perfect' boyfriend. He got thrown out for not playing along well enough, and now he wanders along highways with Kieran, who he relies on for sight.

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February 3rd
Strange is... well.. Strange! A mutant since birth, he finds it easy to work in heavily irradiated areas, soaking up the rads like a sponge and then slowly leaking them back out at levels so minute it barely effects humans near him.
(The glow is just aesthetic)

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February 2nd
Lapin is ANOTHER fantroll-to-oc character. Rabbityr Necromancer who has some proficiency in healing magics mostly for... himself really. He fucked up his back at a young age so he uses a shitton of energy daily making sure it doesn't get messed up midday.

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February 1st
Sprite is a strange OC to own bcuz there was a lot of background/story that i had to twist and cut off like dead branches a while back jvfdjvlsd
You ever find yourself following a weirdo alien around because you think he's cool and end up adopting him as a dad? Yea

4 8

January 31st
A nameless demon who's searching for any semblance of Identity... "Alice" isn't one for being looked at right now... maybe it's best to leave her alone?

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January 30th
Lori McCabe is one of many students cursed to roam Oak Ridge High until the end of days! She's a pro volleyball player, and a big chatterbox despite being a little winded sometimes!
Keep an eye out for a couple more of her classmates here on this thread :)

5 8

January 29th
DJ is an ex-hero (named Firebug) who quit the business after a fight got really close to ending in him burning alive. Now he spends his days playing pacman and doing small party tricks for pay.

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