men you like yes?さんのプロフィール画像

men you like yes?さんのイラストまとめ

remy ☆ 25 ☆ he/it ☆ cemetery path almost hidden in deep grass leading to nowhere ☆ i wuv @rattel_m_bones 💝🍇🥖☆ icon by @feh_jay

フォロー数:638 フォロワー数:552

January 28th
trypophobia kinda /
Astronomical Space Produce Vendor Berry is, well, exactly whats written on the tin! She's an alien who travels from planet to planet selling 100% organic strawberries!
Fun Fact! The sparkles in her eyes aren't sparkles! They're pockets of light!

8 10

January 26th
I'm gunna be really behind on these things for a while but whatever the weekend exists for a reason babe!
Agis is a elf who spends his time in an old shack smack in the middle of an old graveyard, sealing angered spirits to their grave and reading books that scream.

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January 25th
I lied heres one
Canto is a healing witch, they only specialize in magic that helps others. They only learned because they hate hospital settings and the auras about them.
Though they make an exception every now and again, especially for a certain nurse robot...

3 10

January 24th
Blood / (kinda!)
Did you know Puck has a brother? I didn't! Francis is forgettable even to himself, but he's a really great guy! He died not long after Puck, and spends most of his time kinda... staring off into space...
He still plays guitar pretty well though!

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January 23rd
Malcom is one of a handful of ocs who came from fantrolls days, one of the main 3 that was with Laura. Really Old Remy fans may be able to see how I incorporated an old design piece into his new one :smirk:
He's half-giant and full-tired, let him nap, thank you

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January 21st
Back from the middle school days of fantrolls (my 2nd ever!) and now back as a sheeptyr inn keeper... its Laura Rekkor! She promises a warm bed and a comfortable room for the right price... maybe more if you're a 'Special Guest'

6 14

January 20th
i think posting your sona might be cheating
but also like... twas what was on the list :')

3 10

January 19th
THIS IS FELIX, a college student who has a major interest in entomology. He doesn't feel too hot rn though

3 11

January 18th
Darcy Bennet is an oc I collabed w/ to make. Cupid Vampire Punk who swears he was just staring into that flowershop window to fix his hair, despite not having a reflection...

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January 17th
DNK! Mad old oc I remade a while back bcuz of ;) reasons... he's a terrible tropical smoothie of a demon who observes multiple timelines all the times. It's very tiring all the time and he tries his hardest to only focus on a few at a time

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