men you like yes?さんのプロフィール画像

men you like yes?さんのイラストまとめ

remy ☆ 25 ☆ he/it ☆ cemetery path almost hidden in deep grass leading to nowhere ☆ i wuv @rattel_m_bones 💝🍇🥖☆ icon by @feh_jay

フォロー数:638 フォロワー数:552

January 16th
Flicker! Technologic-Demon trapped in a dating game who can only be freed if someone (or a group of people) get the true ending to the game!
You call them gay they have 1000 boyfriend.

8 11

January 15th
Candius! I love this guy. Xe's one of the main characters in a game me and marti spitball around every now and again. Android Witch anyone? Anyone?

6 12

January 14th
Pacman Fever is a ghost who haunts the local arcade and helps the kids there cheat and get highscores. They're a collab/shared oc with

7 13

January 13th
Nosh is a design I adopted from ! They're a space junker who makes sculptures out of space trash to channel their aggressive energy on something healthy! I think they're pretty neat

6 9

January 12th
Ok this is Viggo! I lost his old fantroll sprite so ihad to make him by brain. He's got four eyes and is taking your order currently at the drive-thru. Please, take your time. The line is fine. Its fine. Everythings Fin.e...

5 8

January 11-- wait. who the fuck is this
this isnt viggo
i dont know who you are sir
please leave

5 8

January 10th
Dearil's one of many fantrolls I've changed into just a regular oc. Vampire germaphone who works at Bath & Bodyworks. He also practices soap making when he's feeling up for it! His old name used to be a funny way to spell mildew, because I am Very Funny

5 10

January 9th
You ever make a deal with your ancestors evil magic book to gain infinite knowledge to pass a college world history class? Our local prep-goth Patricia has! It cost her the flesh off of her hands but she doesn't care, she passed!

7 12

January 8th
Sawyer Eldridge is totally NOT a demon, nor is he a half demon. Yes his last name is ironic. Nor is the head he keeps oddly close to his person anything but an ANTIQUE that is NOT someones actual head. Please leave this unaging NORMAL HUMAN MORTICIAN alone. Thank you!

6 14

January 7th
blood /
im doing 2 a day every time i miss one so i can keep up lol
Trennon is the victim of a roller coaster accident who now spends his afterlife maintaining the park for the ghosts that reside there and doing "tours" to keep curious visitors from getting hurt

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