Josh - Panels to Pixels 👽さんのプロフィール画像

Josh - Panels to Pixels 👽さんのイラストまとめ

Your 11th Favourite Comic Book YouTuber. He/him.

フォロー数:530 フォロワー数:3528

I'm working on 100 things and each of them is stressing me out.

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Went to a screening of Pulp Fiction last night and sat in front of a dude who was pissing himself laughing any time the n-word was used, regardless of context. Like, he was absolutely cracking up as if it was the funniest shit he'd ever heard.

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Sometimes I remember that this is a thing that happened and I am sick in my mouth a little bit. 🤢

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Me staying up till 2AM to see the Avengers reveal. Not long to go now.

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It’s 20 years since The Phantom Menace came out and I’m feeling nostalgic. Here’s a thread about being the 7-year-old target market for a movie that everybody hated.

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Spider-Mobile?! I deeply regret not getting into Disney Infinity.

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Me watching all the action scenes in Far From Home knowing full well that they’re just Mysterio’s illusions.

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