Josh - Panels to Pixels 👽さんのプロフィール画像

Josh - Panels to Pixels 👽さんのイラストまとめ

Your 11th Favourite Comic Book YouTuber. He/him.

フォロー数:530 フォロワー数:3528

How did that street artist get hold of this real world promo art? *gasp* MULTIVERSE CONFIRMED!

0 9

They should have Mojo be the main villain of the first MCU X-Men movie. Basically Hunger Games in space. Embrace the weirdness of Marvel's Merry Mutants and get it as far away from the Singerverse as possible.

11 53

I’m too busy rocking out to the soundtrack to review that game.

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I love how everybody is trying to guess which Spider-Man game I'm reviewing. Nobody has got even close yet though...

1 25

To everybody going off at me that I don’t know how Spider-Sense works and it only goes off when Peter himself is in immediate physical danger, I present Exhibit A:

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The 2014 Strider reboot would be my pick for most underrated game of the last 10 years. I love it so much. THIS is how you do a modern side-scroller. If only we could get an X-Men/Wolverine game in a similar style.

3 7

Woah! has done the impossible with this piece by making me love Into The Spider-Verse even more. 😍

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Christ, have I really spent 304 hours of my life playing GTA V? *stares into the void*

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Oh, that's 1:30am on Friday for my fellow Brits.

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