

Abstract art posting account for a guy who sees odd things when he presses on his eyeballs too hard.

Any depictions of actual angels are purely coincidental.

フォロー数:1267 フォロワー数:512

"I'm not so sure that the current AI is too fond of us."

"You mean us programmers?"

"I mean us humans."

"What gives you that impression."

"For starters, it named itself 'The Red Queen.'"

"It's not real big on subtlety, is it?"

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"I expected living in an older building meant it would be more creaky, I just didn't expect it to be so opinionated."

"Tell me about it. Deep down there somewhere, I can tell she's still mad about my sister bringing her dog with her."

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"So, she really needs the cataract from a dead titan?"

"First of all, she's the empress. If she wants it, we get it. Secondly, she's the most powerful sorceress the empire has ever seen. I don't need to know what she needs it for."

"I just hope she appreciates it, that's all."

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Some good news and some bad news.

Bad News: My computer dude says the hard drive is dead. All the old art is gone. I lost 300+ completed pieces and 1,000+ plates. Sad face.

Good News: I've fully recreated the process and using the new rig, I'm making art all over again.

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Test No. 2.

My mirroring was a lot more precise this round, and since I'm using a larger artboard and base images the little imperfections don't show up as much.

I still need to do all the hard work of building up a bank of images, and that's gonna take a while.

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Proof of Concept Success

I was able to completely rebuild my templates based on my memory of the process. I might even say this is better because I've learned to much since I started.

I didn't have any of my layers, so I used a glitch image I had laying around. Yay rebuilding!

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Sometimes I wonder who would even really want to have this kind of stuff hanging on their wall. Then I wonder what that says about me, since I keep compulsively making them.

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"That doesn't look much like a vessel."
"Well, that's because it doesn't move through space in three dimensions. It treats space like a four-dimensional solid and cuts through the wall."
"Is that why it looks like a starfish?"

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"First we rappel into the ... well I'll be honest, into the mouth parts there."

"I didn't sign up for this."

"Awww, what's a little asteroid-leech-saliva when you get to have this much fun?"

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