

Artstation: artstation.com/quinnnn

Shoot me a DM if you're interested in commissions!

フォロー数:875 フォロワー数:98

Daily character no. 36

With such large tracts of life-giving farmland surrounding the deltas outside their enchanted walls, word must travel quickly to protect those outside the watchful embrace of the City of Spells.

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Daily character no. 35

The Malarin Valleymen utilize mutated corpses called Grave Beasts, not only as riding beasts, but as expedient deliverymen of goods and important news from their colonies.

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daily characters - 33-34

The Lunari live under the stewardship of one of the Twin Daughters of the Gods of Justice and Mercy: the Eye's Merciful Daughter.

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daily characters - 30-32

The Fariam Valley Bards are sought after by many for their songs that are said to work miracles. The other guy just wants to fight somebody.

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Probably my final mermaid for

Few and far between, attendants of Malara often deliver strange messages in layered tongues to her master's warlocks.

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Another mermaid for

Very little known of this particular species of Abomination, save for their status as watchful observers for the goddess of chaos.

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An actual mermaid for

Fishermen near the City of Spells tend to stay away from murky waters, and for good reason.

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Mermaids for the mermaid throne

The result of fell experiments, Shadowy Abominations haunt abandoned temples and graveyards in solitude, often shunned by both humans and other abominations.

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