Reggie-800's Nintendo Secretsさんのプロフィール画像

Reggie-800's Nintendo Secretsさんのイラストまとめ

Reggie-800. This unit is a Model R-800 Series Reginator that infiltrated Nintendo to expose their biggest secrets. Sharing those secrets is the prime directive.

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:23541

Smell No Evil:

The Elemental Monkeys are based on the 3 Wise Monkeys from the Japanese proverb "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil." Some variations include a 4th monkey, "smell no evil," which someday could become a new Pokemon.

More Gen 5 trivia:

218 2029

Lost Pokemon:

Gold & Silver's 1997 demo contained a Farfetch'd evolution named Madaamu. A couple years later Game Freak changed its color to blue, but then ended up cutting it from the game at the last minute. Learn about dozens more Lost Pokemon designs:

278 1964

Impa's Name:

Miyamoto said, "The old female storyteller who feeds information to Zelda is named Impa; her name comes from the word impart." The definition of impart is "to make information known."

One hour of Zelda trivia, good for background watching:

49 469

Retro's Zelda Game:

Last year a former Retro Studios artist revealed concept art they made between 2005-2008 for a cancelled Zelda game. These pieces were all labeled Rhino Sketches and Rhinoland -- seemingly a boss, creatures, and a region.

More info:

64 519

Fire Emblem 64:

According to Miyamoto, Intelligent Systems was "earnestly producing Fire Emblem 64" for release in 1998. But Fire Emblem creator Shouzou Kaga later said it was too ambitious for the N64, and they never ended up finishing it.

More info:

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You might've, it's appeared in plenty of places, not just in Japan. You can also see it in a lot of 90's artwork. Also the back sprites in international versions of Red, Blue, and Yellow show the spikes. Easy to miss though because they're just six pixels.

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Doctor's Note: btw, here are a couple earlier drafts of 's artwork. We basically kept bickering/miscommunicating about Gengar's eyes, finally agreeing on the version featured in the main tweet above.

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Retro's Zelda Game:

Between 2005-2008, Retro Studios was working on a Zelda spinoff for the Wii starring the last surviving male Sheikah. The game got canned, but in 2020 lots of concept art made its way online -- including Horntown & Rocktown. More info:

223 1258

Smell No Evil:

The Elemental Monkeys are based on the 3 Wise Monkeys from the Japanese proverb "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil." Some variations include a 4th monkey, "smell no evil," which someday could become a new Pokemon.

More Gen 5 trivia:

158 1275

Retro's Zelda Spinoff:

From 2005 to 2008, Retro Studios worked on a Zelda spin-off starring the last male Sheikah, after the rest were killed in a genocide. These locations and lots more concept art from the cancelled project leaked in 2020.

Full story:

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