

Romantic - taken - gay artist. Hopeless Cutie Honey fanboy. Creator of "No More Mermaids" available to read on Tapas! #BlackLivesMatter 🏳️‍🌈…

フォロー数:1132 フォロワー数:2130

Honey's just cute here idk

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Honey's going to take down Panther Claw... but she's gonna have fun doing it. I really love this, because it shows that Honey is... still Honey. She's still the mischievous, carefree girl we saw escaping school at the start of the episode

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I lost my father as a kid, so I realllyyyyyyy identified with Honey. I think that's probably why this version is my favorite. Also pls appreciate how beautiful Honey is in Shingo Araki's style

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So this part confuses viewers. Because he mentions "the years we spent together", and there are flashbacks to Honey's childhood. So it gives the impression Honey was an android that aged, or is a cyborg or was a replacement for a human Honey but...

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Her father's speech is completely different from the manga. While I do enjoy the manga speech, I vastly prefer the anime one. I think there's more emphasis on how much he cared about Honey as a daughter. That's just me. It's a beautiful scene.

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Seiji vowing to help Honey, rather than try to cash in on an article re: Panther Claw. He literally has two serious scenes like this, he's usually a goof.

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I love how Honey's instincts just prompt her to kick ass, and afterwards she's like "wow, did I do that??" These brief glance at innocent Honey is v sweet

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So in pretty much every version, Honey just steals a bike she finds. In the anime... she transforms, and drives passed Seiji and somehow they... switch vehicles?? It makes sense, it really sets up how physics don't exist in this world

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