Revs Limiterさんのプロフィール画像

Revs Limiterさんのイラストまとめ

Bloke with collar, who loves cars, sketching, Jesus, opinions my own. Husband, Dad, Chaplain at Bicester Heritage, former Res Artist for Aston Martin.…

フォロー数:1860 フォロワー数:4568

Some work from 3 yrs ago for the very talented peeps at who service, restore and race prepare/support all manner of stunning classic machinery- their place at really is a toy shop for grownups - great team and lovely people - they also make a great cuppa.

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The amazing Kieft racing car which is looked after by the amazing folk at
It’s an incredible thing that makes the most amazing sound. This was sketched live at the workshop, and then colour applied back in my study.

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This was the cover car of the first car magazine I ever bought. ‘Car’ tested the Countach and the Ferrari Testarossa I still have the magazine. Memories of a 10 yr old Adam come flooding back whenever I read it. Funny the things we hold on to……

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3/3 the shocking scene of the boat rising out of the water, flipping end over end - Campbell now just a passenger. He knew the risks, yet still went out that January morning, still strapped himself into that seat, still drew the canopy over his head…….

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2/3 I still think of him as an amazingly brave man - strapping himself to a jet engine, travelling at speeds of 300mph, barrelling across a moving surface, driven by a desire to push the boundaries. That it ended so tragically on this day in 1967 only underlines how brave he was;

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1/ People make observations about Donald Campbell; driven by the memory of a domineering father, achievements that lost their lustre with the advent of space travel. I think some of that is more about our collective consumption of the ‘next big thing’ rather than about Campbell.

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6. Prayers we may know that there is one who places great value in each of us, whatever our 2022 has been like - one who loves, restores and brings fresh hope.

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5. The good book talks about each one of us being fearfully and wonderfully made, that each of us matter- even in our imperfect state - that there is great worth in each of one us. We are loved. Let that perhaps sink in as you scroll through those 2022 recaps.

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4. But as we scroll - it can be easy for some to come away feeling worthless, feeling they have not achieved, or that this year there is nothing to celebrate - this year has been one where the wheels came off, the cobwebs grew, the rust of life got worse.

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