

Musing on arty stuff.

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:358

Arriving somewhat worse for wear - Feuerbach's Symposium - but wasn't that partly the point

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Consternation among the disciples as Jesus conducts the Last Supper with a hamburger

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Only a 17thc Dutch artist would portray the story of Salome in such a mundane manner - Jacob Duck

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Distracted or plain bored?

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Pier Francesco Sacchi's four doctors of the church look as though they're sitting examinations

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The forgotten industrialist - François Bonhomme, both paintings c.1864-65

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Capriccios of ruins started long before Panini and Robert.

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The rather fine head is by Joseph Marie A few years later he inflicted on the history of art the celebrated La Marchande d'Amours - an early (1763) example of the appearance of Neo-Classicism

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The, frequently, mad world - and technique - of Claude One of the, surprisingly many, oddballs contemporary with French17thc classicists.

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For God's sake Judith, stop waving it around and put it in the bag Lefevre-Desforges

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